Node Connectivity

There are 120 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Weka 3.7 Classifier.

DMNBtext (3.7) 

Class for building and using a Discriminative Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier

HNB (3.7) 

Contructs Hidden Naive Bayes classification model with high classification accuracy and AUC. For more information refer to: H

NaiveBayes (3.7) 

Class for a Naive Bayes classifier using estimator classes

NaiveBayesMultinomial (3.7) 

Class for building and using a multinomial Naive Bayes classifier

NaiveBayesMultinomialText (3.7) 

Multinomial naive bayes for text data

NaiveBayesMultinomialUpdateable (3.7) 

Class for building and using a multinomial Naive Bayes classifier

NaiveBayesSimple (3.7) 

Class for building and using a simple Naive Bayes classifier.Numeric attributes are modelled by a normal distribution. For more information, see Richard […]

NaiveBayesUpdateable (3.7) 

Class for a Naive Bayes classifier using estimator classes

SparseGenerativeModel (3.7) 

Generative models for scalable text mining

GaussianProcesses (3.7) 

Implements Gaussian processes for regression without hyperparameter-tuning