Node Connectivity

There are 120 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Weka 3.7 Classifier.

HoeffdingTree (3.7) 

A Hoeffding tree (VFDT) is an incremental, anytime decision tree induction algorithm that is capable of learning from massive data streams, assuming that […]

Id3 (3.7) 

Class for constructing an unpruned decision tree based on the ID3 algorithm

IsolationForest (3.7) 

Implements the isolation forest method for anomaly detection

J48 (3.7) 

Class for generating a pruned or unpruned C4.5 decision tree

J48graft (3.7) 

Class for generating a grafted (pruned or unpruned) C4.5 decision tree

LMT (3.7) 

Classifier for building 'logistic model trees', which are classification trees with logistic regression functions at the leaves

M5P (3.7) 


NBTree (3.7) 

Class for generating a decision tree with naive Bayes classifiers at the leaves. For more information, see Ron Kohavi: Scaling Up the Accuracy of […]

REPTree (3.7) 

Fast decision tree learner

RandomForest (3.7) 

Class for constructing a forest of random trees. For more information see: Leo Breiman (2001)