Node Connectivity

There are 92 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Weka Classifier.

Vote Deprecated

Class for combining classifiers. Different combinations of probability estimates for classification are available.

FLR Deprecated

Fuzzy Lattice Reasoning Classifier (FLR) v5.0

HyperPipes Deprecated

Class implementing a HyperPipe classifier.

MinMaxExtension Deprecated

This class is an implementation of the minimal and maximal extension.

OLM Deprecated

This class is an implementation of the Ordinal Learning Method.

OSDL Deprecated

This class is an implementation of the Ordinal Stochastic Dominance Learner.

VFI Deprecated

Classification by voting feature intervals.

ADTree Deprecated

Class for generating an alternating decision tree.

BFTree Deprecated

Class for building a best-first decision tree classifier.

DecisionStump Deprecated

Class for building and using a decision stump.