Node Connectivity

There are 92 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Weka Classifier.

SMOreg Deprecated

Implements Alex Smola and Bernhard Scholkopf's sequential minimal optimization algorithm for training a support vector regression model.

SVMreg Deprecated

SVMreg implements the support vector machine for regression.

SimpleLinearRegression Deprecated

Learns a simple linear regression model.

SimpleLogistic Deprecated

Classifier for building linear logistic regression models.

VotedPerceptron Deprecated

Implementation of the voted perceptron algorithm by Freund and Schapire.

Winnow Deprecated

Implements Winnow and Balanced Winnow algorithms by Littlestone.

IB1 Deprecated

Nearest-neighbour classifier.

IBk Deprecated

K-nearest neighbours classifier.

KStar Deprecated

K* is an instance-based classifier, that is the class of a test instance is based upon the class of those training instances similar to it, as […]

LBR Deprecated

Lazy Bayesian Rules Classifier.