Node Connectivity

There are 97 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Image.

Generic JavaScript View (JavaScript) 

Executes JavaScript code to generate a view.

Bar Chart (JavaScript) 

A bar chart based on the NVD3 library.

Box Plot (JavaScript) 

This node provides a view with a Box Plot implemented with D3.js.

Conditional Box Plot (JavaScript) 

This node provides a view with a Conditional Box Plot implemented with D3.js.

Decision Tree View (JavaScript) 

A JavaScript based plot of the provided decision tree.

Heatmap (JavaScript) 

A node which creates a heatmap view using Javascript.

Histogram (JavaScript) 

A histogram based on the NVD3 library.

Lift Chart (JavaScript) 

A lift chart using a JavaScript based charting library.

Line Plot (JavaScript) 

A line plot using a JavaScript based charting library.

Parallel Coordinates Plot (JavaScript) 

The parallel coordinates plot uses d3.js, JavaScript based charting library. The view can be accessed either via the interactive view action on the […]