Node Connectivity

There are 97 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Image.

Hybrid Petri Net To Image 

JavaScript Visualizer for hybrid Petri nets.

Petri Net To Image 

JavaScript Visualizer for Petri Nets

Process Tree To Image 

JavaScript Visualizer for Process Trees

Trace Variant Explorer 

Trace Variant Explorer

Geospatial View Static 

Creates a static visualization of the geometric elements.

Plate Heatmap Viewer 

Creates trellis of plate heatmaps to explore a set of microtiter plates (High Content Screen Data).

Dose Response (R) 

Calculates and visualizes dose response curves

Matlab Plot 

Creates Matlab plot from KNIME.

Python Plot 

Executes Python code and delivers a plot image to KNIME

Python Plot Deprecated

Creates plot with Python within KNIME.