Node Connectivity

There are 201 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Flow Variable.

MOE Location Deprecated

Set path to MOE as Flow Variable

MOE Preferences Deprecated

Extracts MOE Preferences as Flow Variables

Python Edit Variable (legacy) 

Allows executing a Python script in a local Python environment.

Close Instance 

Close Firefox browser instance

Checkin SharePoint File (with conn) 

Perform checkin function on a Sharepoint file

Checkout SharePoint File 

Perform checkout function on a Sharepoint file (with conn)

Create SharePoint Folder 

Creates a new folder in your SharePoint (with conn)

Delete SP File 

Deletes a file in your SharePoint (with conn)

Download File From SharePoint (with conn) 

Download a file from your SharePoint

Move SharePoint File (with conn) 

Moves a file in your SharePoint to a new location