Node Connectivity

There are 201 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Flow Variable.

Save Workflow 

Saves the workflow upon execution.

Extract Variables (Data) 

Extracts Variables from a data connection.

Extract Variables (Database) 

Extracts Variables from a Database connection.

Table Column to Variable 

Converts the values from a table column to flow variables with the RowIDs as their variable name.

Table Row to Variable 

Defines new flow variables based on the first row of the input table and exposes them using a variable connection.

Table Row to Variable Deprecated

Defines new flow variables based on the first row of the input table and exposes them using a variable connection.

Table Column to Variable Deprecated

Converts the values from a table column to flow variables with the row IDs as their variable name.

Table Row to Variable Deprecated

Defines new flow variables based on the first row of the input table and exposes them using a variable connection.

Table Column to Variable Deprecated

Converts the values from a table column to flow variables with the row IDs as their variable name.

Table Column to Variable Deprecated

Converts the values from a table column to flow variables with the row IDs as their variable name.