Node Connectivity

There are 4973 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Vector Length Normalization 

Normalizes a vector to unit length. Vectors are defined by rows in the input table.

Binning Apply 

This node applies a binning model.

Binning Calculate 

This node allows to group continuous data in intervals based on equal frequency - called bins.


Object based data is binned based on the density distribution of a reference population. For each bin a z-score is returned.

Group Mutual Information 

Calculates mutual information between two groups.

Outlier Removal 

Removes outlier rows from a table.

Parameter Mutual Information 

Calculates mutual information between pairs of parameters.


The node calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for all selected controls.

CV Deprecated

The node calculates coefficient of variation (CV) for all selected controls.

Multivariate Z-Primes 

Calculates the multivariate z-prime coefficients for all combinations of a selection of negative and a selection of positive controls over a […]