Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Database Column Filter Deprecated

The Database Column Filter allows columns to be excluded from the input table database table.

Database Column Rename Deprecated

Enables you to rename database column names.

Database Connection Table Reader Deprecated

Reads the entire data from the input database connection.

Database Connector Deprecated

Create a database connection to any JDBC database.

Database Delete Deprecated

Deletes the selected rows in the database based on the selected columns from the input table.

Database Drop Table Deprecated

Drops a table from the database using the input database JDBC connection.

Database GroupBy Deprecated

The Database GroupBy allows to group by the selected columns and output aggregated data to the generated groups.

Database GroupBy Deprecated

The Database GroupBy allows to group by the selected columns and output aggregated data to the generated groups.

Database Joiner Deprecated

Joins two database tables

Database Looping Deprecated

This node runs SQL queries in the connected database restricted by the possible values given by the input table.