Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Molfile Reader 

Reads molecules from a directory with Molfiles

Rxn/RD Reader 

Reads reactions from an MDL Rxn or RD file

SDF Reader 

Reads molecules from an MDL SDF file

SDF Reader Deprecated

Reads molecules from an MDL SDF file

Smiles Directory Reader 

Reads molecules from a directory with Smiles files

Fingerprint Bayesian Learner 

(Variant) of Naive Bayes for fingerprint columns, i.e. bitvectors.

Fingerprint Bayesian Predictor 

Predictor to the Fingerprint Bayesian Learner node, assigning score values to test data.


searches for frequent fragments in a set of molecules.

MoSS MCSS Molecule Similarity 

Computes molecule similarities based on their MCSS

SDF Extractor 

Extracts the the various parts from SDF molecules into columns