Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Integer Widget 

Creates a number input widget for use in components views. Outputs an integer flow variable with a given value.

List Box Widget 

Creates a text area input widget for use in components views. Outputs a data table with one column holding a list of strings.

Molecule Widget 

Outputs a molecule string in the specified format.

Slider Widget 

Creates a slider input widget for use in components views. Outputs a string flow variable with a given value.

String Widget 

Creates a text input widget for use in components views. Outputs an string flow variable with a given value.

Autocomplete Text Widget 

This node provides a view with an autocomplete text input component.

Column Filter Widget 

Creates a column filter widget for use in components views. Takes a data table and returns a filtered data table with only the selected columns.

Column Filter Widget Deprecated

Creates a column filter widget for use in components views. Takes a data table and returns a filtered data table with only the selected columns.

Column Selection Widget 

Creates a column selection widget for use in components views. Outputs a string flow variable with the name of the selected column.

Multiple Selection Widget 

Allows selecting multiple values from a list of strings in an encapsulating component's view. The selected values are returned as a data table and a […]