Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Residual Analyzer (Labs) 

This node analyzes the residuals of a time series model.

SARIMAX Learner (Labs) 

Trains and generates a forecast with a (S)ARIMAX Model.

SARIMA Learner (Labs) 

Trains and generates a forecast with a (S)ARIMA Model

SARIMA Predictor (Labs) 

This node generates forecasts with a (S)ARIMA Model.

SARIMAX Predictor (Labs) 

This node generates forecasts with a (S)ARIMAX Model.

Date&Time Aligner (Labs) 

Checks a table for non-existent timestamps and generates rows with missing values for them.

Date&Time Aggregator (Labs) 

Aggregate data based on a timestamp column and selected granularity: minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year.

Differencer (Labs) 

Differences a Column by subtracting from each row the value of a prior row.

Kafka Connector 

Provides connection settings to a Kafka cluster.

Kafka Consumer Streamable

Allows to consume messages from Kafka.