Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Tag Cloud 

Creates a tag cloud

Tika Language Detector Streamable

This node detects the language of a given String/Document value.

Tika Parser URL Input Streamable

Tika Parser URL Input parses all kinds of file format supported by the Apache Tika library.

Create Date&Time Range 

Generates date&time values.

Date&Time Difference Streamable

Calculates differences between two date&time cells.

Date&Time Shift Streamable

Shifts a date or time according to a duration or granularity.

Date&Time-based Row Filter Streamable

Filters rows according to a start and end time or range.

Modify Date Streamable

Modifies date information of a date&time cell.

Modify Time Streamable

Modifies time information of a date&time cell.

Modify Time Zone Streamable

Modifies a time zone.