Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

French Treebank Filter Deprecated

Filters terms with certain French Treebank tags.

General Tag Filter Deprecated

Filters terms with certain tags assigned.

Hyphenator Streamable

Hyphenates document terms.

Hyphenator Deprecated

Hyphenates terms.

Kuhlen Stemmer Streamable

Stems document terms, using the Kuhlen stemming algorithm.

Kuhlen Stemmer Deprecated

Stems terms with the Kuhle stemming algorithm.

Modifiable Term Filter Streamable

Filters document terms which are set modifiable or unmodifiable, respectively.

Modifiable Term Filter Deprecated

Filters terms which are set modifiable or unmodifiable, respectively.

N Chars Filter Streamable

Filters document terms with less than N characters.

N Chars Filter Deprecated

Filters terms consisting of less than N characters.