Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

TensorFlow Network Reader 

Reads a TensorFlow saved model from an input zip file or directory.

Spark to H2O Deprecated

Creates an H2O Frame from a Spark Data Frame.

Spark to H2O (legacy) 

Creates an H2O Frame from a Spark Data Frame.

Table to H2O 

Converts a KNIME table to an H2O frame.

H2O to Spark (legacy) 

Creates a Spark Data Frame from an H2O Frame.

H2O to Table 

Converts a H2O Frame to an KNIME table.

Create H2O Sparkling Water Context (legacy) 

Creates a new Sparkling Water context.

H2O Local Context 

A local H2O context can be used to run H2O functionality locally on the machine where KNIME Analytics Platform is running (in contrast to remote).

Snowflake H2O MOJO Predictor (Autoencoder) 

Applies an autoencoder MOJO to an incoming Snowflake connection.

Snowflake H2O MOJO Predictor (Classification) 

Classifies an incoming Snowflake connection using a MOJO.