Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

PCA Inversion Deprecated

Inverse the PCA transformation

PMML Predictor 

Can predict the data using the PMML object.

PMML Predictor Deprecated

Can predict the data using the PMML object.

PMML Predictor Deprecated

Can predict the data using the PMML object.


LIBSVM is an integrated software for support vector classification.


Takes a trained LIBSVM to predict the values for new data.

SVM Learner 

Trains a support vector machine.

SVM Learner Deprecated

Trains a support vector machine.

SVM Predictor Streamable

This node uses a SVM model generated by the SVM learner node to predict the output for given parameters.

SVM Predictor Deprecated

This node uses a SVM model generated by the SVM learner node to predict the output for given parameters.