Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Decision Tree Learner 

Decision tree induction performed in memory.

Decision Tree Learner Deprecated

Decision tree induction performed in memory.

Decision Tree Predictor 

Uses an existing decision tree to compute class labels for input vectors.

Decision Tree Predictor Deprecated

Uses an existing decision tree to compute class labels for input vectors.

Decision Tree to Image 

Renders a decision tree view on an image (PNG).

Decision Tree to Ruleset 

Converts a decision tree model to PMML RuleSet model.

PMML Simple Regression Tree Predictor Streamable

Applies regression from a regression tree model stored in PMML format.

Simple Regression Tree Learner 

Learns a single regression tree.

Simple Regression Tree Learner Deprecated

Learns a single regression tree.

Simple Regression Tree Predictor Streamable

Applies regression from a regression tree model.