Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

ZIP Archive Connector 

This node creates a file system connection that allows to read the files/folders stored inside a ZIP archive.

Decompress Files 

Unpacks and decompresses files from an archive.

Create File/Folder Variables 

Creates paths to files/folders and exposes them as flow variables.

Create Folder 

Creates a folder upon execute and exposes its path as flow variable.

Create Temp Folder 

Creates a temporary folder upon execute and exposes its path as flow variable.

Delete Files/Folders 

Deletes selected files as well as folders.

Delete Files/Folders (Table) 

Deletes files and folders.

Files/Folders Meta Info 

Adds meta information about files/folders to the table.

List Files/Folders Streamable

List files and/or folders contained in the selected folder.

Path to String Streamable

Converts a Path column into a String column.