Node Connectivity

There are 1060 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type org.knime.core.node.port.AbstractSimplePortObject.

List Audit Logs 

List user actions and configuration changes within this organization.

List Invites 

Returns a list of invites in the organization.

Invite User 

Create an invite for a user to the organization. The invite must be accepted by the user before they have access to the organization.

Retrieve Invite 

Retrieves an invite.

Delete Invite 

Delete an invite. If the invite has already been accepted, it cannot be deleted.

List Projects 

Returns a list of projects.

Create Project 

Create a new project in the organization. Projects can be created and archived, but cannot be deleted.

Retrieve Project 

Retrieves a project.

Modify Project 

Modifies a project in the organization.

Archive Project 

Archives a project in the organization. Archived projects cannot be used or updated.