Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

mbox Header Extractor (simple) 

Extracts commonly used message headers.

mbox Header Extractor (expert) 

Extracts all message headers.

mbox Message Part Extractor 

Extracts all message parts.

Get Mail 

Read emails from a POP3 or IMAP server.

Spell Checker (simple) 

Spell checking and correction for different languages.

Spell Checker: Apply Rules 

Apply spelling correction rules.

Spell Checker: Create Rules 

Create spelling correction rules.

ZXing Decoder 

Decoding of multi-format 1D/2D barcodes.

QRCode Monkey Encoder 

Encoding of text into QR codes using QRCode Monkey.

ZXing Encoder 

Encoding of text into multi-format 1D/2D barcodes using ZXing.