Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Complete Upload 

Completes the [Upload](/docs/api-reference/uploads/object). Within the returned Upload object, there is a nested [File](/docs/api-reference/files/object) […]

Cancel Upload 

Cancels the Upload. No Parts may be added after an Upload is cancelled.

List Users 

Lists all of the users in the organization.

Retrieve User 

Retrieves a user by their identifier.

Modify User 

Modifies a user's role in the organization.

Delete User 

Deletes a user from the organization.


Converts mzTab files into tables holding the small molecule and meta information.


This node reads all consensus elements from the TextExporter node into a KNIME table.


This node reads all feature elements from the TextExporter node into a KNIME table.


This node reads all identified peptides from the TextExporter node (when applied to an idXML file) into a KNIME table.