Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

SuperPortObject Consumer 

Missing description.

Test Enum 

Node for testing enums

Test FilestorePortObject Consumer 

Missing description.

Workflow Context Output Python Node 

Extracts workflow context information in Python.

Text Classifier Predictor Streamable

Predictor for a dictionary-based text classifier for categorizing text documents.

Text Classifier Model to Table 

Converts a text classifier model to a table.

Dataset Reader 

Reader for Palladian’s dataset format.

Column Distance Streamable

Calculates the distance between two input columns.

Column Distance StreamableDeprecated

Calculates the distance between two input columns.

Corpus Creator Streamable

Creates a corpus which contains the counts of tokens of a document collection.