Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

List To Set Streamable

This node replaces any selected List Collection cells with Set Collection cells

Mask Lists Streamable

This node applies a mask (from a List column) to one or more list columns

Missing to Empty Collection Streamable

Converts missing cells in collection columns to empty collections (i.e. a collection containing no members)

Set To List Streamable

This node replaces any selected Set Collection cells with List Collection cells

DB Extract Table Dimension 

This node extracts the table dimension from a Database Query Connection

DB List Catalogues Streamable

This node lists the catalogues for a database

DB List Foreign Keys Streamable

This node lists any foreign keys for a selected database table

DB List Primary Keys Streamable

This node lists any primary keys for a selected database table

DB List Schemas Streamable

This node lists the schemas for a database

DB List Table Types Streamable

This node lists the Table Types for a database