There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.
Retrieves various formats for a given molecule.
Filters molecules based on a SMARTS search
Sketch a molecular structure
Filters molecules based on a fragment
This node removes sugars from compounds
Node to generate molecular formulas based on a given mass input.
This node does the partition of atoms into equivalent classes
Prediction of logP based on the atom-type method called XLogP.
Splits the input table into two new tables: training and calibration.
Aggregates the results of conformal prediction training for classification or regression: calibration tables and models.
Do you have feedback, questions, comments about NodePit, want to support this platform, or want your own nodes or workflows listed here as well? Do you think, the search results could be improved or something is missing? Then please get in touch! Alternatively, you can send us an email to
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