Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Execute Shell Script 

Executes shell scripts

Group All Columns 

Performs an groupBy on all columns in the input table

Regex Substring 

Returns substring of a regex

Regex To List 

Returns all matches of a regex to a collection column

Get SharePoint List Columns 

This node returns the visible column names and types from a list in SharePoint

Get SharePoint List Items (with conn) 

This node returns a List from your SharePoint as JSON

List SharePoint Files (with conn) 

Lists all files and folder in a given path on your SharePoint

Get SP List Items 

This node returns a List from your SharePoint as JSON


Lists all files and folder in a given path on your SharePoint

Hmac Hashing 

Creates Hmac hash with a secret key