Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Slice Loop Start 

Loops over selected slices.

Tile Loop End 

Collects tiles from the Tile Loop Start node and recombines them into images.

Tile Loop Start 

Loops over tiles of equal size.

Multilevel Thresholding Streamable

Performs an efficient multilevel thresholding on an input image. This node was implemented by Markus Friedrich (University of Konstanz, […]

Align image Streamable

Align image using simple cross-correlation

Align image StreamableDeprecated

Align image using simple cross-correlation

CLAHE Streamable

Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization.

Colorspace Converter Streamable

Converts an image between different color spaces, e.g. from RGB to HSB (and back) or from RGB to Lab (and back).

DoG Spot Detection Streamable

Difference of Gaussian (DoG) Spot Detection.

DoG Spot Detection StreamableDeprecated

Difference of Gaussian (DoG) Spot Detection.