Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Quantile Filter Streamable

A constant-time Quantile Filter. If you choose quantile = 50, you approximate a median filter.

Sigma Filter Streamable

Applies sigma filtering to the input images.

Sobel Filter Streamable

Applies the Sobel-Operator to the input images. Use signed image types (like byte, short, etc) to avoid unwanted image artifacts.

Variance Filter Streamable

Applys Variance filtering to images in n-dimensions

Compare Segments 

Compares two tables of segments (binary image masks) according to how many relativ pixels they have in common. Hence the actual segment shape AND the […]

Data Row to Image Streamable

Converts a collection of numbers into an image.

Image to DataRow Streamable

Converts an image (ImgPlusCell) into a collection of numbers (DoubleCells).

Slice Loop End 

Collects slices of Slice Loop Start and recombines them to images / labelings.