Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

PIA Compiler 

Compiles search results into a PIA XML file.

XML To Table 

Extracts a parameter from an XML cell and copies it to a new column

DB Data Deleter 

Deletes test conditions and fitted models from the database

Data Creator 

Define a new data set with organism, matrix, assay conditions and references

Data Editor 

Correct data sets or add information

Formula Creator 

Enter primary and secondary model formulas

JavaScript Editor 

Executes JavaScript code to generate a view.

Model Creator 

Enter estimated primary and secondary models

Model Editor 

Edit primary and secondary models

Model Fitting 

Uses mathematical model formulas and estimates their parameters in order to fit a curve to data (e.g. to a time series of bacterial concentrations or to […]