Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

CASE Switch Data (Start) Deprecated

Outputs the input table to exactly one of the output ports.

IF Switch 

Allows to manually control which branch the data will flow into.

End IF 

Merges two branches which were initially created by an IF Switch Node.

Empty Table Switch 

Sends input data to first output if and only if it is not empty.

Java IF (Table) 

Java IF Switch on tables

Catch Errors (Data Ports) 

End of Try-Catch construct. Use second input if execution leading to first input failed.

Try (Data Ports) 

Start of Try-Catch construct.

Workflow Summary Extractor 

Extracts a workflow summary from a workflow port object as a XML or JSON document.

Call Local Workflow (Row Based) Deprecated

Calls other local workflows.

Call Remote Workflow (Row Based) Deprecated

Calls other remote workflows on a KNIME server.