Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Topic Extractor (Parallel LDA) 

Simple parallel threaded implementation of LDA for topic detection.

Category to Class 

Adds a class (string) column to each row, containing the category string of the document in that particular row.

Markup Tag Filter Streamable

Filters all kind of Markup Language Tags such as HTML or XML tags.

String Matcher 

The node finds for each string in the data list the most similar words of the dictionary list.

Tika Language Detector Streamable

This node detects the language of a given String/Document value.

Tika Parser URL Input Streamable

Tika Parser URL Input parses all kinds of file format supported by the Apache Tika library.

Create Date&Time Range 

Generates date&time values.

Date&Time Difference Streamable

Calculates differences between two date&time cells.

Date&Time Shift Streamable

Shifts a date or time according to a duration or granularity.

Date&Time-based Row Filter Streamable

Filters rows according to a start and end time or range.