Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Fuzzy c-Means Deprecated

Performs fuzzy c-means clustering.

Hierarchical Cluster Assigner 

Creates an interactive JavaScript which displays the results of hierarchical clustering and enables cluster assignment.

Hierarchical Clustering 

Performs Hierarchical Clustering.

SOTA Predictor 

Predicts classes for rows using the input SOTA model.


Creates a crisp center based clustering.

k-Means Deprecated

Creates a crisp center based clustering.


Performs k-Medoids algorithm.

Hierarchical Cluster Assigner (local) 

Assigns clusters to rows based on an hierarchical clustering.

Fuzzy Rule Learner 

Learns a Fuzzy Rule Model on labeled numeric data.

Fuzzy Rule Predictor Streamable

Applies a Fuzzy Rule Model to numeric data and outputs a prediction for each test instance.