Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Numeric Binner Streamable

Group values of numeric columns categorized string type.

Binner (Dictionary) Streamable

Categorizes values in a column according to a dictionary table with min/max values.

CAIM Binner 

This node implements the CAIM discretization algorithm according to Kurgan and Cios (2004). The discretization is performed with respect to a selected […]

CAIM Applier 

Takes a binning (discretization) model and a data table as input and bins (discretizes) the columns of the input data according to the model.

Category to Number Streamable

Maps each category of a column with nominal data to an integer.

Category to Number (Apply) 

Maps each category of a column with nominal data to an integer.

Category to Number StreamableDeprecated

Maps each category of a column with nominal data to an integer.

Cell Replacer StreamableDeprecated

Replaces cells in a column according to dictionary table (2nd input).

Column Auto Type Cast 

Converts a column of type String to a Numeric or Date type, if and only if all entries could be converted.

Column Rename StreamableDeprecated

Enables you to rename column names or to change their types.