Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

URI to String 

Convert an URI column into a string column.

URL to File Path Streamable

Converts URLs into file paths.

Data Generator Streamable

Creates random data with clusters.

Create Table Structure 

Creates an empty table (no rows) with a predefined structure (columns).

Extract System Properties 

Reads system properties, including current user name and working directory.

Find MIME-Type 

Add MIME-Type information to a table with URIs.

List MIME-Types 

List all registered MIME-Types.

Table Creator 

Allows the manual creation of a data table with any number of rows and columns.

Delete Files (legacy) 

Delete files and folders on a remote location.

Download (legacy) 

Download file or folder from a server.