Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Binary Objects to PNGs 

Converts the binary objects of a column to PNGs.

Binary Objects to Strings 

Converts the binary objects of a column to strings.

Files to Binary Objects 

Adds files as binary objects to the table.

Model to Binary Object 

Converts a model to a binary object cell.

PNGs to Binary Objects 

Converts the PNGs of a column to binary objects.

Strings to Binary Objects 

Converts the strings of a column to binary objects.

Conditional Label Assigner 

Assigns the classes based on the probabilities to the rows.

One Rule Inserter 

Inserts one specific rule to the given data set.

Random Item Inserter 

Assigns the labels based on the probabilities to the rows.

Random Label Assigner 

Assigns the labels based on the probabilities to the rows.