Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

List Files/Folders Streamable

List files and/or folders contained in the selected folder.

Path to String Streamable

Converts a Path column into a String column.

Path to URI Streamable

Generates URIs from Paths.

Set Files/Folders Permissions 

Sets permissions for files/folders of a path column.

String to Path Streamable

Converts a string column into a path column.

Transfer Files 

Transfer files from a source (file or folder) to a specified destination folder.

Transfer Files (Table) 

Transfers files/folders taken from an input table to a specified destination folder.

Transfer Files Deprecated

Transfer files from a source (folder or file) to a specified destination folder.

Binary Objects to Files Streamable

Writes all binary objects from a specific column to a directory.

Binary Objects to Files Deprecated

Write the binary objects of a table as files.