Node Connectivity

There are 39 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Semantic Web Connection.

Keras Simple RNN Layer 

Simple RNN layer.

Keras Simple RNN Layer Deprecated

Simple RNN layer.

Active Learning Loop End 

The loop end node for an active learning loop.

Active Learning Loop Start 

The loop start node for an active learning loop.

SPARQL File Inserter 

This node inserts Semantic Web triples from file into a SPARQL Endpoint.

SPARQL File Writer 

Writes triples of a graph into a file using "Turtle" language.

SPARQL Query Streamable

This node performs a SPARQL "SELECT" query which results are written into a data table.

SPARQL Executor 

This node executes a SPARQL query on a SPARQL endpoint.

SPARQL Insert Streamable

This node inserts Semantic Web triples in a SPARQL endpoint.

SPARQL Update Streamable

This node updates Semantic Web triples in an endpoint.