Node Connectivity

There are 68 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Network.

Object ID Filter 

Filters all objects e.g. edges and nodes by their id.

Partition Filter 

This node filters all objects (nodes and/or edges) that are member of the selected partition(s).

Network Analyzer 

Analyzes the network.

Partition Graph Creator 

Creates a partition graph from the input graph.

Shortest Path 

Finds the shortest paths between two defined objects.

Network Viewer 

A JavaScript Network Viewer is using a JavaScript based Graph theory / network library cytoscape.js.

Network Viewer (local) 

Visualizes a network.

Viz Output Connector 

Send networks to external program.

Network Generator 

Generates nodes and edges depending on the selected algorithms and inserts them into the given network if available otherwise the node creates a new […]

Active Learning Loop End 

The loop end node for an active learning loop.