Node Connectivity

There are 118 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type PMML.

CASE Switch Model (Start) Deprecated

Model (or generic port) CASE Switch to alter active branch for arbitrary port types..

Catch Errors (Generic Ports) 

End of Try-Catch construct. Use second input if execution leading to first input failed.

Model Content Difference Checker 

Compares the two input models.

PMML Difference Checker 

This node checks two PMML documents for equality without caring for the order of XML nodes in the document.

Category To Number Deprecated

Maps each category of a column with nominal data to an integer.

Database Apply-Binner Deprecated

This node allows to group numeric data in intervals - called bins.

Decision Tree Learner Deprecated

Decision tree induction performed in memory.

Decision Tree Predictor Deprecated

Uses an existing decision tree to compute class labels for input vectors.

Linear Regression Learner Deprecated

Performs a multivariate linear regression.

Linear Regression Predictor Deprecated

Predicts the response using a linear regression model.