Node Connectivity

There are 161 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Flow Variable.

Container Input (Variable) 

Injects flow variables optionally defined by a specification to the workflow.

Container Input (Variable) Deprecated

Injects flow variables to the workflow.

Container Output (File) 

Makes a file in the workflow accessible to an external caller.

File Download Widget 

Provides a download link to a file.

Text Output Widget (legacy) 

Displays dynamic text.

File Download (legacy) 

Provides a download link to a file.

Text Output (legacy) 

Displays dynamic text in the KNIME WebPortal.

Block Programmatically (Variable) 

Used in unit tests to pause the execution until a prgrammatic "release" is triggered.

Credentials Validate Test 

(Test Framework) Checks the availability of a credentials object and compares it to a an expected value.

File Difference Checker 

Compares the two files.