Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Time Series Generator 

Creates a time series of length n (depending on the number of rows in the input data) using one of the four templates.

Extract URI Info 

Extract information contained in an URI.

String to URI 

Convert a string column into an URI column.

URI to Port 

Output the URIs from a table column as an URI port object.

URI to String 

Convert an URI column into a string column.

URL to File Path Streamable

Converts URLs into file paths.

Find MIME-Type 

Add MIME-Type information to a table with URIs.

Delete Files (legacy) 

Delete files and folders on a remote location.

Download / Upload from List (legacy) 

Copy files contained in a list from one (remote) location to another.

HDFS File Permission (legacy) 

Allows to change the file permission of HDFS files and directories.