Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Table to PDF Deprecated

Generates PDF reports out of input data by using the Birt reporting engine.

Table to PDF (legacy) 

Generates PDF reports out of input data by using the Birt reporting engine.

XLS Sheet Appender Deprecated

Saves a data table into a spreadsheet.

XLS Writer Deprecated

Saves a datatable into a spreadsheet.

XLS Writer Deprecated

Saves a data table into a spreadsheet.

Compress Files/Folder (Table) 

Compresses a file, a folder or files in folder to an archive.

Delete Files/Folders (Table) 

Deletes files and folders.

Files/Folders Meta Info 

Adds meta information about files/folders to the table.

Path to String Streamable

Converts a Path column into a String column.

Path to URI Streamable

Generates URIs from Paths.