Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

RDKit Two Component Reaction 

Applies a reaction to two RDKit Mol columns.

RDKit Chemical Transformation 

Transforms a structure into another structure by applying several reactions provided as SMARTS values or Rxn Blocks.

RDKit One Component Reaction Deprecated

Applies a reaction to an input RDKit Mol column

RDKit Two Component Reaction Deprecated

Applies a reaction to two RDKit Mol columns

RDKit Highlighting Atoms (deprecated) Deprecated

Creates a SVG column showing a molecule with highlighted atoms based on information in the input table. A molecule column as well as a column with […]

RDKit Interactive Table 

Interactive table view with capability of hiliting and showing additional header information.

RDKit SMILES Headers 

Sets, changes and retrieves SMILES structures of RDKit table header properties, which can be made visible using the RDKit Interactive View.

RDKit Molecule Highlighting Streamable

Creates an SVG column showing a molecule with highlighted atoms and bonds based on information in the input table.

RDKit Molecule to SVG Streamable

Creates an SVG column showing a molecule

RDKit Adjust Query Properties 

This node allows common adjustments to the matching behavior of molecules that are intended to be used as queries to get better search results.