Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

HTTP Result Data Extractor 

Extract string content, status code and HTTP headers from HTTP Result cells.

HTTP Retriever 

This node allows to perform different HTTP methods.

HTTP Retriever Deprecated

Loads documents from the Web.

Multipart Encoded HTTP Entity Creator Streamable

Create multipart encoded HTTP entities.

OAuth Deprecated

Node for creating OAuth requests.

OAuth 1 Signer Streamable

Create OAuth-1-signed requests.

Ranking Services 

This node allows to obtain ranking values for URLs from various web-based ranking services.

Ranking Services Deprecated

This node allows to obtain ranking values for URLs from various web-based ranking services, like Google PageRank.

Sitemap Finder 

Find sitemaps for a given URL.

Sitemap Retriever 

Retrieve and parse sitemaps.