Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Kernel Loop Start 

This node allows simple looping through various Kernel Estimators and symmetries

Notched Boxplot (JFreechart) 

Node to generate notched boxplots.

PDB Connector Custom Report Deprecated

This node is no longer functional due to the shutdown of the remote webservices

PDB Connector Queries Table Loop Start 

Loops over a table containing an XML column of query definitions

PDB Describe Heterogens 

Node to retrieve Heterogen details from the 'PDB Describe Chemical Components' webservice.

PDB Downloader Streamable

Node to allow download of multiple RCSB PDB filetypes from a column of RCSB Structure IDs

PDB Loader Streamable

Load a local copy of a PDB files from a column of source filepaths or URLs

PDB Property Extractor Streamable

Node to extract properties from a PDB text cell

PDB Saver Streamable

Node to save a PDB cell column to a local file with path specified in a second column

FASTA Sequence Extractor Streamable

Extract the chains and sequences from a FASTA sequence file column