Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Reference Fragments to MMPs 

This node generates matched molecular pairs (MMPs) from fragments generated using the Hussain and Rea algorithm. Pairs are only generated from the query […]

MMP Show Cuttable Bonds (RDKit) Streamable

This node renders those bonds matching the indicated bond type which may form part of a valid cut pattern for the indicated number of cuts

MMP Show Matching Bonds (RDKit) Streamable

This node renders all bonds matching the indicated bond type

Apply Transforms (RDKit) (Experimental) 

This node applies Matched Pair transforms to an input table of molecules

MMP Calculate Maximum Cuts (RDKit) Streamable

This node calculates the maximum number of cuts which a molecule can support with the given fragmentation method

MMP Calculate Maximum Cuts Deprecated

This node calculates the maximum number of cuts which a molecule can support with the given fragmentation method

MMP Fragmentation Type Loop Start 

This node allows simple looping through pre-defined fragmentation patterns

Uniquify IDs 

This node generates unique IDs for molecules where duplicates are detected

1D Kernel Density Plot 

Node to generate and draw a 1D Kernel Density Function

2D Kernel Density Plot 

Node to generate and draw a 2D Kernel Density Function