Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

GraphCut 2D Streamable

Perform the graph cut algorithm to segment an image.

Interactive Annotator Streamable

Annotate your images.

Interactive Labeling Editor Streamable

This node allows manual editing of labelings.

Label Transformer Streamable

Transforms a label using the given expression. Attention: Only the Labeling Name is transformed!

Labeling Arithmetic Streamable

Labeling Arithmetic Node.

Labeling Converter Streamable

Converts a given input from one dataformat into the other

Labeling Cropper Streamable

Crops orthogonal selections from a labeling and recombines them to one labeling.

Labeling Cropper StreamableDeprecated

Crops orthogonal selections from a labeling and recombines them to one labeling.

Labeling Filter Streamable

Filters the segments of a labeling.

Labeling to Image Streamable

Converts a segmentation/labeling cell to an image cell.