Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Upload Deprecated

Uploads files and folders to a server.

User Classifier Deprecated

Interactively classify through visual means.

VFI Deprecated

Classification by voting feature intervals.

Value Filter QuickForm (legacy) Deprecated

Takes a data table and returns a table with one column containing the selected domain values.

Value Selection QuickForm (legacy) Deprecated

Takes a data table and a selected column and returns a variable with the selected value from this column.

Voted Perceptron Deprecated

Implementation of the voted perceptron algorithm by Freund and Schapire.

Weka Predictor (3.7) Deprecated

The Weka Predictor takes a model generated in a weka node and classifies the test data at the inport.

Winnow Deprecated

Implements Winnow and Balanced Winnow algorithms by Littlestone.

XY Chart (deprecated) Deprecated

Node to display a XY chart with JFreeChart.

ZeroR Deprecated

Class for building and using a 0-R classifier.