Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Column to XML 

Create an XML column from input data.

XML Column Combiner 

Merges XML columns in a single column.

XML Row Combiner 

Concatenates the cells in a XML column.

XML Row Combine and Write 

Writes XML cells in a file.

XML Column Combiner Deprecated

Merges XML columns in a single column.

XML Writer Streamable

Writes XML Documents in a directory.

XML Writer Deprecated

Writes XML Documents in a directory.

XPath StreamableDeprecated

Performs a XPath query on a XML column.

Java Snippet Streamable

Calculates a new columns or flow variables based on java code snippets.

Java Snippet (simple) 

Calculates a new column based on java code snippets.