Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Date&Time to legacy Date&Time Streamable

Converts new Date&Time to old.

Legacy Date&Time to Date&Time Streamable

Converts old Date&Time to new.

Extract Date&Time Fields StreamableDeprecated

Extracts date and/or time fields from date&time cells.

Extract Duration Fields Streamable

Extracts duration fields from duration cells.

Window Loop Start 

Sliding window over input table.

Moving Aggregator 

Adds a column with moving average values.

Moving Average 

Adds a column with moving average values.

Date Field Extractor (legacy) 

Extracts date fields from a date/time and appends the values as integer columns.

Time Field Extractor (legacy) 

Extracts time fields such as and appends the value as integer columns.

Date/Time Shift (legacy) 

Adds a value in a defined granularity to an existing date.